Halloween is over and Christmas is the next holiday on every one's mind. However, I enjoy Thanksgiving because it reminds us of things we are thankful for. I am so thankful for all that I do have. We finally have a house of our own, our kids are the best kids ever (it must be the red hair!), and I'm happy that Asher can do karate and Hallie can dance. I'm thankful to be able to give them that opportunity to build their self-esteem, to let them know they can do anything they put their mind to. And by encouraging them, they know Mark and I are there for them in all things. What a great blessing that is for our children. Thanksgiving also reminds me that it is nice to slow down around this holiday season and enjoy each moment.
I also love Asher and Hallie showing me the fun indian and pilgrim crafts they created at preschool! That is so much fun to hear them sing the silly songs that go along with the crafts. It's a great time to gather with your family and enjoy each other's company because you know by the end of the holiday season, you won't want to see them again for a long time! Okay, just kidding. Families are great.
This is absolutely hilarious! I was at Leo's the other day with Shan and her kids and Hallie really needed to use the restroom. There was a lady in the large stall with her little boy. I was waiting outside the stall for Hallie to finish when I heard the little boy yell " MOM!!! Your butt looks FAT when you sit down!!!" She responded by yelling at him in a very hushed voice "Don't look at my butt! Turn around. That's not nice at all!" I couldn't help myself. I busted out laughing, hoping Hallie would at least unlock the stall door so I would have a place to hide until I could pull it together. Unfortunately I ended up outside still waiting for Hallie, hiding my face as the lady and her son exited their stall. I felt bad for laughing, but I could not hold it back! WOW! Kids are fun, aren't they?