Saturday, April 26, 2008


Years ago when my nephew, Kolton, first saw Star Wars he asked "Who's taller, Heather or Chewbacca?". Of course that became my nickname along with Big Bird or whoever else was super tall! Anyway, Asher and Hallie saw Star Wars for the first time and Mark casually
mentioned that Kolton used to call me Chewbacca because I was so tall. Well, the next day I was minding my own business in the dining room and Ash peeked his head around the corner and said, "HEY CHEWY!". He thought he was hilarious! He took off into the living room laughing his head off. Honestly, I was stunned! Seriously? Did Asher really just call me Chewy? Then he peeks around the corner again calling me Chewy, running away laughing hysterically. Wow, he really did call me Chewy! Then Hallie joins in teasing me. She poked her head around the other corner and said, "HI CHEWY!". They took turns calling me this wonderful nickname, all the while laughing so hard they could barely breathe! Then I had to have Mark come in and hear what they were saying. All he could do was laugh with them. EVERYONE is calling me Chewy! It was quite funny. There little giggles were priceless. I guess I will forever be called Chewbacca, there's no getting out of it now!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Asher is completely obsessed with outer space after his preschool teacher showed him a movie about it. I got online to find pics of what space looks like. I also wanted to show him where the planets are located in the universe. Here are a few of the pictures I found from the Hubble telescope. Pretty cool.
Asher is going to be testing on April 19th for his yellow striped belt for karate. Not quite the yellow belt, but at least he feels like he is progressing! He's doing really well in karate. Hallie is getting better at dance too. At first I thought there was no hope for her, but all of a sudden she has really caught on! I think it is because she always practices her routine at home and tries to perfect it. Then when she gets to dance class she really does great. It also helps that she is the only one who shows up for dance so it's a lot of one on one time!
It is snowing as I am typing this. Snowing in April? And it is even sticking to the ground. I hope it warms up so we can actually do some camping this year! Crazy Idaho weather.