Thursday, April 8, 2010

Silly Notes

Hallie wrote a note to Asher and taped it on her door. It was the cutest thing!


I have a brother named Asher. He is a good brother. I like him. He is nice and I like him to be my brother because he is my brother.

Kids are so sweet!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Babies

I'm pregnant ...with twins! I still can't believe it. This last week has been a bit emotional for me. First of all, there's the shock factor of not one, but two babies! Then the shock wore off and all I wanted to do was cry.
This was a risky pregnancy to begin with and adding a second baby just added complications to an already complicated pregnancy. Dr. Belfort summed it up nicely by saying, "Not only do you come back pregnant, but you come back pregnant with twins? What are you trying to do to me?!". He was joking of course, but I could tell he was concerned. I'm worried about all the possibilities of what could go wrong and scared about getting a c-section. My deliveries are great and sooo easy, I just don't like the idea of being cut open!
I like to do things by myself, my way, my schedule. The realization that I'm going to need help (especially if I have a c-section) made me feel a bit defeated. Okay, a lot defeated! I finally got to where I wasn't going to cry if someone said "twins", so that was a good day!
When I was pregnant with Natalie, I knew our family wasn't complete. Even though there were quite a few scares, I knew she wasn't the last one, but I knew it was logical for only one more pregnancy. Yesterday I went to see Dr. Belfort again and saw those two precious babies on the ultrasound monitor. I felt so much love and excitement for them even though they are still so tiny and I don't even know them. I know they are suppose to be a part of our family and while I'm scared to death, I'm also so excited for them to be born!
This will be a very long pregnancy. I have to see Dr. Belfort weekly and my doctor has decided he wants to see me every 2 weeks. I'm only 19 weeks and expected to basically be on bed rest any time from 28-32 weeks and deliver anywhere from 34-37 weeks. And with twins, I can't go more than about one hour away from town the last 3 months of the pregnancy because the risk of preterm labor is so high.
That means I have about 10 more weeks to get everything ready for the babies, rearrange things so two babies will fit in our house, get my living room painted, go on all of our summer vacations, and get school clothes for next year for Asher and Hallie and anything else that comes up. I'm not overwhelmed at all...ha ha!