Monday, October 13, 2008


Mark said the other day that Native Americans had a rainman. Well, we have one in our family too. Whenever Asher prays for snow, it snows! If only Mark would stop convincing him to pray for all this snow! Can you believe this snow in October? I tell him he can't pray for snow until after Halloween, but he keeps praying because he wants to go trick or treating on a snowmobile. Crazy kid. He lost his two front teeth. He looks hilarious. I can't help but laugh when he smiles. So now he smiles all of the time. I'll have to post a pic later. He has two bottom ones missing too. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. It's kinda sad! Soon we will have another addition to our family that grows up too fast! I'm actually hoping my doctor will induce me this weekend. I'm so tired of being pregnant and appointments and all the pregnancy pains! I have an appointment this afternoon so we will see what happens. I also don't want a Halloween baby! We'll keep you guys posted.


marathon runner said...

Kelsie does the same thing!! Darn her, and everytime she prays for snow it snows. Guess who prayed for snow?

PrincessMcKenzie said...

KELSIE PRAYED FOR SNOW TOO!!! the day of our meet!!!! it made me so mad!!!

Clifford said...

Perhaps Asher should pray for his two front teeth. Maybe we could get him to say two front teeth and Christmas in the same sentence.

PrincessMcKenzie said...

I know ur kinda in the middle of havin a baby, but i tagged you, so go to my blog for details

marathon runner said...

tag your it!!! check out my blog