Saturday, December 6, 2008


Today while Hallie and Asher were eating lunch I was in the other room taking care of Natalie. I heard Asher growling and roaring at Hallie. She told him to stop so he continued doing it longer and louder. That's very typical of Asher. He teases her all the time. Well, she finally got sick of it and said "Asher, I am allergic to being scared so stop it!" He growled again so she yelled "I AM ALLERGIC!! STOP!" Allergic of being scared??? Where does she come up with this stuff?


Shannon said...

oh my gosh that's to funny! What a cutie (try that in Ginger's voice) and this one too, I'll just soak these in BIZ! hahahaha well have a good one can't wait to see you guys today!

Paramedic Kris said...

That's funny! I wonder where she came up with that too! She's such a cutie. All your kids are cuties!

Robbie said...

Anyone else I would be shocked, but this is Hallie you are talking about. Anything is possible. Quite inventive of her, very impressed...
Prepare for teenage years!

marathon runner said...

wow she does say the funniest things and you just have to laugh at her cuz its funny! Hallie at 14 WOW!