Monday, June 15, 2009

Bridesmaid Dresses

The other day I came across a website where people were showing off their HORRIBLE bridesmaid dresses that they had to wear. I couldn't help but think of Jennifer and how much she LOVED her dresses for her wedding. Okay, so she hated them and she had every right to! These dresses I'm about to show you are reminiscent of her wedding!

At least with these dresses they were missing the poof sleeves and big bows!

I wonder if this one would look better on a person than on a hanger.

The least they could have done is made sure the dress fit!

Is she wearing a turquoise veil too? Oh man! That poor bridesmaid! By the way, this one reminds me of the one I wore for Jennifer's wedding. Now can you see why she loved them so much?

This poor girl actually wore one to prom!

Okay, I know the color is off, not quite so turquoise, but I had to show those awesome bows.

I'm jealous. These little girls got lacy gloves. Jennifer, why didn't you think of that?

Although Jennifer hated the turquoise, she could have had this!

Or a cake like this...

Wedding guests like her...

Or my favorite, decorated facilities! I wonder what that place smelled like.


Robbie said...

I wonder if mom still has those dresses... we could display them for all to see how lovely we all looked.
I love the picture of their wedding that mom has in the hall. Those great dresses and big hair!

marathon runner said...

You are too funny! I cant believe you took the time to download all of these pictures just for me! I am a lucky girl